Real Life
There’s nothing better than going deep on research and studying about the future character you are playing in a place that is very dear to you – your family, obviously. While Ed O’Neill was preparing for his role on the show by doing some research and practicing for it, he, in fact, came across the biggest inspiration for the character Al Bundy within his family. His Uncle Joe was the model for Ed O’Neill’s Al Bundy. Both Ed’s uncle and the show’s character shared many similar characteristics. We can only imagine what those were exactly.

Real Life
Real Name
We’ve already witnessed how the show’s writers can be somewhat off when it comes to name choices, as was the case with Peggy and her maiden name. Thus, this other one didn’t really surprise us. Despite the fact that no one really spoke of it, the Bundy Bunch’s young brother Bud didn’t just have a nickname, but a regular one. It was actually Budrick Franklin Bundy. Yeah that’s still weird.

Real Name