There is a big chance that you are familiar with who Nadia Comăneci is. The Romanian athlete made waves with her record-breaking performance during the Montreal Olympic Games in 1976. However, not many people will be familiar with the journey she embarked on to get into the Olympics and the challenges she faced later on. Did you know she later escaped from Romania after making history? Let’s take a close look at the life of this athlete who wowed everyone in Quebec and the rest of the world!
The Early Days
Nadia Elena Comăneci was born on November 12, 1961 in Onesti, Romania to Gheorghe and Stefania Comăneci. The Romanian Orthodox couple was thrilled to have welcomed their first child in the world, to say the least. Soon after her birth, she would have a sibling in the form of a brother.

The Early Days
Hope For Nadia
The name Nadia is not at all uncommon in their home country, though her parents had their own reason for giving her the name. When Stefania was pregnant, she and Gheorghe had been watching a film that ended up inspiring them. The protagonist was named “Nadya” which translates to “hope”. We’re sure they had no idea how appropriate the name actually was!

Hope For Nadia