Keeping To Herself
Nadia was dubbed something of “an emotionless gymnast” thanks to her quiet determination and passion for the sport. Most people are unaware that she is actually quite the opposite! By then, Nadia was very emotional, though she might not display her feelings often. She was the type of person who bottled up her emotions and Béla Károlyi testified to this by saying, “She kept everything inside”. Nadia was too young and ill-equipped to handle everything life threw her.

Keeping To Herself
Time To Restart
Not long after this, the Romanian Sporting Authority officials realized that they made a huge mistake when they chose to separate Béla and Nadia. In order to make reparations, he was immediately reinstated in his previous position. The two shared a tearful but happy reunion but both knew they could not spare any time away from training. At that point, the Moscow Olympic Games was drawing closer and closer.

Time To Restart