Duck Dynasty ran for a total of 11 seasons on A&E, which is enough proof that it was a popular and entertaining reality TV program. The show gave us the Robertsons, a Louisiana family that had strong religious faith as well as multi-million dollars in the duck business. Although a lot of viewers considered them the new version of the Beverly Hillbillies, the family men are all recognized for their wild and long beards! One star, in particular, shaved his entire beard, the change so drastic, not a soul recognized him…
TV Fame
One of the Robertson bros, Jase, made a name for himself with his clever comments and that bushy beard of his. However, he recently told his fans it was time to say goodbye to the giant beard. No one expected the result of the transformation. Apparently, even his own wife was shocked by what she saw.

TV Fame
The Robertson Patriarch
Phil Robertson is the patriarch of the Robertson family and the founder of their successful duck calling company. He was a talented football quarterback during his days at Louisiana Tech, where he even got a roster spot on one NFL team. He declined this incredible opportunity because it interfered with the duck hunting season! It was in 1973 that he launched his own duck call business, which saw lots of success. This was merely the beginning of it all.

The Robertson Patriarch