Coco Austin – Reality Tv Show Ice Loves Coco
While Coco Austin is a gorgeous glamour model who certainly has natural beauty, there’s no denying that something has changed in her appearance through the years! For example, twenty years ago, her old photos don’t show her epically proportioned posterior looking like it does now! On the spot, she admitted in a 2014 interview that she did actually have implants placed, which would definitely explain all of that! Seeing as she could do that, it’s quite possible that she’s had more work done, which she might later reveal…

Coco Austin – Reality Tv Show Ice Loves Coco
Diane Kruger – Troy
This former model has starred in many films, such as Inglorious Basterds and Troy. Diane Kruger is undoubtedly a stunner when she has makeup on but when you take all that away, her raw appearance makes us think she’s also a human being like us! She’s still stunning, so skin treatment must be good, but the magic of makeup truly transforms her.

Diane Kruger – Troy