Angelina Jolie
You ought to remember to look terrible on the red carpet if you look like Angelina Jolie. In all events, she looked amazing when she participated in this Versace workshop at the Cannes Film Festival in 2009. This brunette beauty is easily one of the best-known actresses. Three Golden Globes, two SAG awards and an Academy Award were also presented to her talents. Although she recently endured a traumatic divorce, she continues to work on fantastic projects and be an outstanding mother!

Angelina Jolie
Lupita Nyong’o
Lupita has stormed the entertainment world and hasn’t stopped yet! When she appeared in an award-winning period film called 12 Years A Slave, she had her big break. Her performance also earned her a Best Supporting Actress Award from the Academy. She’s another one to watch for on the red carpet when it comes to style. The Cannes Film Festival 2015 was no exception! Her skin tone brought out the Gucci emerald number. From head to toe, she looked fantastic.

Lupita Nyong’o