Here’s A List Of The Most Hilarious And Epic Parking Stunts Ever Done

Published on 08/02/2020

Congratulations, Selfish Parker

In the printed bond paper shown below, you would be able to see content congratulating the driver of the car because he or she obviously did a very terrible job of parking. It was so bad that the car happened to park on the yellow parking line, occupying two parking spaces. Well, This kind of revenge plan is so funny because it uses so much sarcasm that would surely make the selfish driver feel embarrassed about his or her parking. With that being said, let’s congratulate the terrible parker!

Congratulations, Selfish Parker

Congratulations, Selfish Parker


Parking Princess

In the world of driving, those white diagonal parking lines simply mean that such a space shouldn’t be parked on by anyone. Well, the driver of the car that could be seen in the photo chose to be a terrible parker as he/she decided to park in that space. Because of that, someone had the idea to piss the terrible driver by writing “Princess Parking” on the ground, pointing out the driver’s awful way of parking. It was actually reasonable if you’d come to think of it, wasn’t it?

Parking Princess

Parking Princess