Here’s A List Of The Most Hilarious And Epic Parking Stunts Ever Done

Published on 08/02/2020

Blocked Stairway

This one is a very epic incident to happen because the white BMW happened to block a stairway by parking on a slot that was obviously a space that was not supposed to be parked in and blocked by anyone. Well, maybe the driver did not notice it, and all that I can say right now is that the driver was fortunate because the car did not happen to decelerate too much and got all the way down. What a hilarious and epic sight!

Blocked Stairway

Blocked Stairway


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In the photo, which is shown below, you would be able to see an employee isolating the black SUV, which has been parked in a very terrible manner – the driver parked on the white parking line, ending up occupying a total of two parking spaces. After experiencing this act of revenge, the driver of the SUV surely did a lesson after being embarrassed in front of everyone who was outside the parking lot. Well, public humiliation has worked as a consequence most of the time.

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