Here’s A List Of The Most Hilarious And Epic Parking Stunts Ever Done

Published on 08/02/2020

More Than Words

If you’re expecting another savage note attached to a vehicle, I am sorry to say this, but you are wrong. The person who did this truly lived up to the famous line “More Than Words” – he or she might have thought that the driver of this car may not learn a lesson and just simply ignore a note, so he or she decided to paint the car. Well, the person did not actually paint the car; he or she just threw buckets of paint towards the car. Isn’t it crazy?

More Than Words

More Than Words


You’ve Won a Novelty Check

Looking at the picture, it can be assumed that the lady was the owner of the SUV. She also happened to park the car in a very terrible way – it was already occupying two spaces as the driver failed to follow the parking lines. Well, the guy thought of a very witty and funny plan of revenge on how to make the driver learn a lesson, and that was giving her a fake novelty check coming from a driving school. Look at how he addressed her as a “Bad Driver.”

You’ve Won a Novelty Check

You’ve Won a Novelty Check