Since the beginning of time, great empires and global powers have dedicated a vast amount of effort and money into building the deadliest and biggest military weapons and vehicles technology has to offer. With the advent of the aircraft, mankind was able to achieve new levels of military intelligence, technology, warfare, and security. You are about to see some of the most incredible war aircraft ever made. We doubt you have ever seen them with your own two eyes because even photographs of these beasts are rare! You are in for a treat because we are about to show you the most amazing military weapons ever created.

Here Are The Biggest, Baddest Planes In All Of Military History
The Caspian Sea Monster
This is one plane with a perfect name! The Russian aircraft beast was first created to fly near the surface for the use of rescue and military teams. This experimental vehicle was the only one ever made, but it was destroyed. If you use Microsoft’s Flight Simulator X, you can still get up close and personal with it.

The Caspian Sea Monster