AC-130J Ghost Rider
This giant fighter plane entered U.S. Air Force service in 2017 and come armed with a 105-millimeter cannon as well as a large amount of smart bombs. By 2020 these planes will have directed energy weapons–otherwise known as lasers–installed in order to defeat incoming missiles. Talk about high-tech.

AC-130J Ghost Rider
EC-130 Commando Solo III
This plane is more than meets the eye; it has been called “a weapon of mass persuasion”, and for a good reason. The Commando Solo III is equipped to broadcast messages to the war enemy over FM radio, TV, and military communication bands. That is really no joke. During Desert Shield/Desert Storm in 1990-1991, this plane broadcast the “Voice of the Gulf” encouraging a peaceful surrender of Iraqi combatants.

EC-130 Commando Solo III