These Are The 25 Richest American Families Of 2019

Published on 05/19/2019

The Mellons – $11.5B

The Mellons have traced their roots to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. In 1869, the Mellon Bank was founded by the family. This was the beginning of their wealth, although it only truly skyrocketed after their investment in Gulf Oil, now known as Chevron-Texaco. They also invested in New York Shipbuilding, Alcoa, The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, and Carborundum Corporation. The family is known for its philanthropy as well. The Mellons actually have Scottish-Irish roots and arrived in the country when Thomas Mellon, the original patriarch, immigrated from Ireland. Do you think he knew how well he would end up doing for himself in the beginning?

The Mellons - $11.5B

The Mellons – $11.5B

The Krafts – $6.6B

Robert Kraft, the owner of the New England Patriots, is one of the wealthiest sports owners ever. His family tree is rather wealthy, as you can imagine. This businessman got his start in packaging when he worked at the company owned by his father-in-law. He soon entered paper products, where he found success by launching Forest Products. This firm offered paper packaging products to brands like Avon, Quaker Oats, and Kodak! Kraft started to buy sports teams when millions were coming in. Isn’t it cool that he bought an e-sport team as well? He sure sounds like a perfectly well-rounded guy to us!

The Krafts - $6.6B

The Krafts – $6.6B