A Couple Took Home A Huge Rock That Made Their Home Off-Limits

Published on 05/27/2020

Distinct Odor

Even though it was a very disgusting thing to do, Steven slowly put his face near the rock and smelled it. It was nothing but worse. He described its odor as a mixture of animal crap used for fertilizing and squid manure. It was his very first time to smell something like that. It seemed like smelling it did not help to satisfy his curiosity at all. It just drove him to think about it more until he knew what it actually was. 

Distinct Odor

Distinct Odor



With all the expenses that they still needed to pay, such as mortgage, electricity bills, and water bills, the couple had always wanted to be extremely rich. Little did both of them know that discovering the rock was the beginning of their road to success. I bet that it is now you who is very curious about the stone. What could it be? Keep on reading to know the answer. 

