A Couple Took Home A Huge Rock That Made Their Home Off-Limits

Published on 05/27/2020

The Possibilities Were Endless

The comment that caught Steven’s attention came from a Facebook user who said that he was a meteorologist. He did not make a guess or any speculation, but he gave him the idea to perform a magnet test on the rock. The amateur meteorologist’s comment was one of the few words that made a lot of sense, so he considered trying a magnet test to know what the rock was and what type of substance it was made from. 

The Possibilities Were Endless

The Possibilities Were Endless



Steven knew that it was something more than a regular rock because when he touched it, he felt like he was handling a ball made of rubber. He also described its texture close to a candle because it seemed as if it was made of wax. After doing a little research and after getting help from other people from a Facebook group, he still knew nothing about the thing that they found aside from its odor, weight, and texture. He thought that it was time to listen to the meteorologist’s advice. 

