The Most Horrific Shark Attacks In The History Of Mankind

Published on 05/21/2020

Todd Endris

Not a lot of people on the list got happy endings, but Todd Endris did. He had been riding the waves of Monterey Bay in 2007 when he was approached by a great white shark. The terrifying creature almost ripped the skin off his back! While this was happening, a school of dolphins came to help him and made the shark swim away. We can see why so many people think that this was a miracle. If you ask us, this sounds like something that would come from a movie. Good for him!

Todd Endris

Todd Endris


The USS Indianapolis

The USS Indianapolis was hit by two types of 95 torpedoes launched by a Japanese submarine. It sank after this. There were 1,196 people aboard the ship, 300 of whom went down with it. The Navy did not know about it right away, which was why the survivors had been in the water for three and a half days. When the rescuers got there, only 317 survived. Many of them died from thirst, salt poisoning, and exposure. However, the most unfortunate ones died after encountering tiger sharks and oceanic whitetip sharks. What a way to go.

The USS Indianapolis

The USS Indianapolis