There are people in the world who only worry about themselves, and then there are people who have very big hearts. These helpful people are the ones we should be following in the footsteps of. They are the people who restore our faith in humanity. Ruth Reed happens to be one of them, and we thank her for her kindness and generosity. Read on to find out why Ruth paid for a complete stranger’s groceries, and who he ended up being…the result is far from expected!
Lending A Hand To Those In Need
Ruth Reed is an individual who is kinder than most. This previous summer, she was doing some shopping at a convenience store when she spotted a man asking for help. He did not have the money to cover the groceries he had in his basket. Reed saw him and gave him $5 without realizing just who this guy was. As the saying goes, what comes around goes around…

Lending A Hand To Those In Need
An Act Of Kindness
“It looked like he was using a card and it didn’t go through, and then he asked a young lady for $5, and I thought this is it, so I said, ‘No, I’ll get it,’” the retired schoolteacher recounted. It was not long before Ruth realized that he was someone she recognized from somewhere. Who was he?

An Act Of Kindness