Hilarious Sports Signs That Will Make You Laugh Out Loud

Published on 05/10/2018

Say Yes

There’s nothing wrong with having a crush on a celebrity, even if you’re in a committed relationship already. It’s called daydreaming! What are the chances anything could ever happen? Let’s go with one a million? One in a billion? Yeah, chances are pretty slim but thanks for trying!

Say Yes

Say Yes


Puppy Love

Stakes were high for some Kansas City Royal fans. And looking at the sign this woman created, we totally get it. Who doesn’t want a puppy? (Well the answer to that question is…a monster. Everyone should want a puppy, they’re amazing. Anyways, rant over.) Her optimistic looks have lead us to believe that she did get a puppy in the end. What? Let me live!

Puppy Love

Puppy Love