Facts About ‘The Mummy’ Films You Need To Know

Published on 06/12/2018

Can’t Blame Him

Of course, you can’t think of The Mummy without remembering that terrifying locust swarm! Did you know that very scene needed to be re-shot a bunch of times? Well more specifically, Jonathan Hyde’s close-up needed to be re-shot. Apparently, the actor couldn’t keep a straight face while he dealt with all those locusts crawling on him. Yikes!

Cant Blame Him

Can’t Blame Him


Name Origin

Around 2600 BC, there was an architect named Imhotep. He helped construct the first pyramids like the Pyramid of Djoser. Some claimed he came from the gods since his talent was so incredible. “Imhotep” translates to “one who comes in peace.” So in real life he was a celebrated architect and also physician and not at all the villain we see in the movie.

Name Origin

Name Origin