21 Years Later, Tim McGraw And Faith Hill Make A Huge Announcement

Published on 06/17/2018


Past country legends gave Tim McGraw some pretty important advice. “Johnny PayCheck gave me my best advice,” explains Tim in a 2012 interview with Chateline. “He was a country singer in the ’60s and ’70s, and he was hard livin’. We were on a bus before he died, and I asked him what kind of advice he would give to a new country singer – I was new at the time. He just looked at me and said, ‘Son, always go hard and fast so that when you hit the ditch you can come out the other side.’”

The 50th Annual CMA Awards Show




Hill and McGraw recognize that their daughters might want to follow in their footsteps one day. “The one thing we stress is that you don’t get things handed to you on a silver platter — you have to work for the things you want, they know it takes hard work.” Hill added, “As a parent, you don’t want to stand in the way of their dreams.”

