They See Me Rollin’
Speaking of Thomas Magnum and his red Ferrari… As a tall guy, it created a dilemma for the producers because they wanted Thomas to drive around in a Porsche but his tall height made it seriously problematic. Ergo, the classic Red Ferrari we all know and love replaced the Porsche. You can say that sales for Ferrari jumped once Magnum was seen driving it around.

They See Me Rollin
Nothing But Respect
In 1996, Selleck’s co-star from Magnum, Larry Manetti, published Aloha Magnum, his memoir. Within his memoir, one would expect scandalous dirt to come out about Hollywood’s most beloved actor. However the opposite is true. He said nothing but incredible things about Selleck! Especially when it came to Selleck’s work ethic during shooting, his work with charities, and how he stuck up for fellow cast and crew.

Nothing But Respect