Brubaker Box
Whoever named this abomination truly deserves an award since they came up with such an apt name. The Brubaker Box is a rather ugly car and to be honest, it seems like a child drew a terrible van and it came to life. It’s literally an oddly-shaped box with wheels. Some might say that it resembles a gold Klondike bar. All the same, this van might be useful if there is a nuclear war, but in any other scenario, your best bet is to pass on this one.

Brubaker Box
Reliant Robin
This little mishap looks quite like a mix of a car, a motorcycle, and a boat, but not in a good and stylish way. This car was made in 1973 as a replacement for the Reliant Regal. Actually, the Reliant Robin was once among the most well-known fiberglass cars. These days, it has a spot on the list of the world’s ugliest cars by Top Car Magazine. However, all we can say about this car is that it’s ugly.

Reliant Robin