They Got A Used Couch For A Steal But Soon Realized Why It Was So Uncomfortable

Published on 03/10/2019

The Best Option They Had

The three young adults saw the secondhand couch at a Salvation Army store and thought it could work for their new place. Before they purchased it, they first measured it to see if it would fit inside their living room. It was in the right price range, though let’s just say that it did not exactly look attractive. Aside from its rather unfortunate appearance, it also came with an unpleasant and strange odor! No one in their right mind would call it beautiful. Now that we have that out of the way, it boasted of yet another unusual feature that they would have to work around. The couch was covered in all sorts of lumps! It is safe to say that they did not fall in love with it on first sight, but they decided to pay for it and bring it home since they could not afford anything else. At the time, they had no idea what they were bringing to their apartment.

The Best Option They Had

The Best Option They Had


Newest Fixture In Their Place

It was the best deal they found, and it at least fit in the living room, though they would be the first people who would admit the couch is not exactly high-quality. Many people would consider it the worst couch in the world, unattractive and drab. Although it was not exactly comfortable, it only cost them $20. As we have mentioned earlier, there are certain risks to buying secondhand furniture. The worst-case scenarios often involve the discovery of pests, molds, and other things that could affect their health in a negative manner. They knew all these things and still took a chance on it. However, there was no way they were prepared to make the discovery of their lives inside its cushions.

Newest Fixture In Their Place

Newest Fixture In Their Place