They Got A Used Couch For A Steal But Soon Realized Why It Was So Uncomfortable

Published on 03/10/2019

There Was Still An Unsolved Mystery

After he left the house, he immediately contacted his friend and informed him about the discovery he made. Together, the pair took it upon themselves to track down the owner and find out how the money ended up there to start with. After looking up the house and its property history, they finally arrived at a phone number. When they dialed the digits, they heard a woman’s voice on the other end of the line. It belonged to none other than the granddaughter of the previous homeowner. They explained what they found inside and set a meeting to hand over the money. “We gave her the money, every penny…she started to cry – overwhelmed by this random act of kindness, and by the emotions she feels being back at this house,” Dave told different media outfits. Everyone, not only Dave and his pals, still wanted to know the answer to the mystery, however. Why did her grandparents stash all that money in such a strange location in the first place?

There Was Still An Unsolved Mystery

There Was Still An Unsolved Mystery


Finally Getting The Answer To His Question

Dave and his pal talked to the woman, exchanged several hugs, and took a picture together. Despite this, they did not feel comfortable asking her tons of investigative questions since they did not want to look like vultures. All they did was tell her some kind words and then went their own way. It was only later that Dave learned why and how the grandparents collected and then hidden so much money over the years. Apparently, they once had a fruit stand, and he assumed the money came from the business. After making the discovery through his urban photography adventures, he shared the intriguing tale on Facebook by uploading an album he titled “House of Treasures”. You will also find it on his website, Freaktography.

Finally Getting The Answer To His Question

Finally Getting The Answer To His Question