You Will Never Believe These Bizarre Truths Behind Vikings

Published on 06/01/2020

Comic Books Are Inspired By Viking Culture

Vikings also inspired the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Almost all of us knew about this, and the comic was standard in our era. Some characters had been used by Marvel like Thor, Odin, Loki, and Freyja. They were from the period of the Vikings and were used in our modern life. The comic was about Thor, the god of thunder. He traveled far away from his homeland called Asgard, to save the Earth and the human being that living in that world. Even video games liked to adopt the culture of the Vikings. Many people wanted to bring the life of the Vikings into the modern era.

Comic Books Are Inspired By Viking Culture


Vikings Wear “Grills”, They Don’t Have Tattoos

We thought that “grills” was an object that the rappers and athletes were wearing on their teeth to made them look wealthy. However, we were wrong. Last 2009, there was an archeologist that some area and discovered a Viking skull. The skull had a filing that was carved on their teeth. Archeologists did not know that was the meaning behind those grills, but they have many theories. The first theory, The Vikings, used that kind of modification to know their status symbol. The more filings they had, the richer the Viking was. We just glad we did not do their culture anymore when it comes to “grill.”

Vikings Wear “Grills”, They Don’t Have Tattoos