Wardrobe Fails That Ruined Our Favorite Films

Published on 05/14/2019

A Million Ways to Die in the West: Charlize Can’t Stop Swearing

It must really suck to forget your lines in a movie, it’s your job for goodness’ sake! But in all fairness, it’s pretty difficult to when you have to memorize lines like it’s going out of fashion. Charlize Theron was so badly tongue-twisted that her words simply came out as F-bombs and then the crew just burst out laughing.

A Million Ways To Die In The West Charlize Cant Stop Swearing

A Million Ways To Die In The West Charlize Cant Stop Swearing


The Untouchables: Lapels Didn’t Exist Yet

This unrivaled gangster film from the ‘80s, there’s no denying that The Untouchables remains a masterpiece. However, eagle-eyed viewers were able to find a fault in the suit Costner wears as Agent Ness. The item in question had a lapel, while it would only come into fashion a little later.

The Untouchables

The Untouchables