Schindler’s List: Women Didn’t Shave Then
You’ll find this movie at the very top of the best movies ever made. The movie won multiple awards at the Academy Awards, but costume design was not one of them. Perhaps this could be attributed to a certain wardrobe error.

Schindlers List
Questions were raised about how the female characters were able to shave their armpits and legs. While it has become the norm in modern times, it is doubtful that women in concentration camps had the luxury for it.
Julius Caesar: Bullet Bras Didn’t Exist Yet
The bullet bra is an unforgettable fashion phenomenon best left in the 1950s. At the time, it was nothing out of the ordinary for ladies. However, fashion norms were certainly different during ancient Rome.

Julius Caesar The Bullet Bras Were Not Invented Yet
It was inappropriate for any of the female characters in Julius Caesar to be wearing those clothes. It would be approximately two thousand years before they would be put into use.