Braveheart: Man In The Back
It only takes one guy who isn’t paying enough attention to walk into the background of a photo without anyone noticing his presence there. This gentleman is a walking time traveler from the 21st century. It’s a shame that nobody noticed.

Braveheart Man In The Back
American Sniper: Baby
If this movie didn’t make you feel something, then I’m not sure what other film could do for you. Did you succeed in getting a better look at “his baby,” which Chris Kyle is currently holding? According to Clint Eastwood, the reason for the decoy was that he believed directing a doll would be easier than directing a real baby.

American Sniper Baby
The baby that appears to be present in the scene is actually a doll made to look fairly realistic. The presence of the decoy is due to the fact that the audience believes the baby to be real.