Almost Famous: The Black Sabbath T-shirt
This moving coming-of-age story that was told in the film epitomizes all other movies about teenagers. Who could ever forget it? The movie has a lot of charisma and humor, but that doesn’t make up for the fact that someone wore a T-shirt with a Black Sabbath print in the wrong scene.

Almost Famous
The year 1973 was chosen to serve as the backdrop for the movie, but the shirts themselves were produced in the year 1997. Oops! It’s a little detail that staff should have never missed!
Pearl Harbor: Bare Legs Weren’t Appropriate
The events of World War II served as the backdrop for a sizeable number of the entries on this list. The attack on Pearl Harbor did not serve as an exception to the standard operating procedure. Whatever the intentions of the crew may have been, the 1940s were simply too early for bare legs to be considered appropriate.

Pearl Harbor
During that time period, it was considered far too scandalous for a woman to wear a skirt without stockings underneath it. This was because women were expected to cover their legs.