A Terrifying Encounter With A 25-Ton Whale In The Pacific

Published on 11/19/2018

Irregular Behavior

As a researcher, Hauser has never seen such behavior coming from these leviathans. The humpback even nudged her into him. She described the experience as if the giant was “putting me on his head, or belly, or back, or, most of all, trying to tuck me under his huge pectoral fin.”

Irregular Behavior

Irregular Behavior


Fearing For Her Life

It was indeed a frightening incident. Luckily, Hauser and her colleagues were able to capture this terrifying 10 minutes and a half on tape. The whale was seen swimming towards the diving biologist and nudging her to the surface. And then, it slowly and constantly pushed her into its head and tail. In the video, you can see the whale nudging her out of the water. Hauser was trying to move away from it but it continued to tuck her into its fins. What was going on?

Fearing For Her Life

Fearing For Her Life