Why Are You So Mad?
This note that was left on the windshield is just too much but is also very direct at the same time. Personally, I would not like to get this kind of note on my windshield. But let us not be quick to judge. There has to be a reason why this person is so mad, and it is because of this driver’s bad parking skill.

Why Are You So Mad?
Want Some Vaseline?
I don’t know about you, but this note got me terrified. I mean, just read the letter. Do you want to have your door handles and wiper to be vaselined? And for the tow truck to be called on you? If I were you, I wouldn’t park at the same spot again although it sounds entirely fair. At least the person just gave you a warning. So grab it and park your car somewhere else next time.

Want Some Vaseline?