We’ve Listed The Most Hilarious Windshield Notes We’ve Found On The Web, Read On And Laugh Out Loud

Published on 07/30/2020

Wear Protection

Now, this is one way of relaying your message in an effective manner. I’ve got to say, but this is our most favorite windshield note. Aside from the fact that it’s hilarious, it is also such a witty way to leave a message. This person even had a condom with him that goes perfectly with the letter. It was like the person who brought it for that specific situation.

Wear Protection

Wear Protection



Imagine being a traffic warden and seeing this on the car you are about to issue a ticket for. I don’t know about you, but if it were me, I wouldn’t think twice and would immediately issue a ticket for this car’s driver. Such an effective way to piss off a traffic warden.

