After Their Life In The Ring, These Former Wrestlers Have Been Doing This

Published on 11/23/2020

Mr. McMahon

As WWE’s CEO, chairman, and owner, Mr. McMahon may just be the franchise’s most popular person. He also worked as a businessman, actor, and film producer for Vincent Kennedy McMahon. He also happens to own Alpha Entertainment, aside from those things. The billionaire enjoys spending his money on yachts, mansions, etc.

Mr. McMahon

Mr. McMahon



Next, the first Samoan wrestler we’ve got! Among wrestling fans, Rodney Agatupa Anoa’i is better known as Yokozuna. Did you know that he was the only Samoan to win the WWF Heavyweight World Championship? In 2000, after a tour at the age of 34, his dead body was discovered in his hotel room. It was considered that his cause of death was a heart attack, but it was pulmonary edema.

