There’s A Reason Why Some Coca-Cola Bottles Have Yellow Caps

Published on 08/13/2021

No Chametz

Any food that rises during the cooking process is also prohibited. If there is a loaf of bread in the house, for example, the occupants must remove all traces of it before Passover. That includes every last crumb. Those who strictly follow the Passover rules literally do not eat any chametz during the holiday. Coca-Cola must have been aware of this and decided to create a kosher version of the beverage.

No Chametz

No Chametz

Other Restrictions

Apart from chametz, kitniyot is also prohibited during Passover, though not all Jews are required to follow it. They are safe if someone does not have “Ashkenazi” (which means Eastern European) roots. However, this only accounts for about a quarter of the world’s Jews. This means that many people still refrain from eating kitniyot during Passover. But what is kitniyot, and does it have any significance for Coca-Cola?

Other Restrictions

Other Restrictions