Easier Said Than Done
On paper, the concept was fantastic. In real life, however, ensuring that shops receive different colored Coca-Cola cans was difficult. Workers had to roll up their sleeves and work up a sweat. The entire process could not be completed by machines alone. It happens all the time. Sometimes you have an amazing idea that you think is simple, but when you put it into action, you realize it isn’t so simple after all.

Easier Said Than Done
Labor-Intensive Process
Manager Jacqui Rooney said, “We decided to manually re-stack a pallet [containing the cans].” She added, “We had three different pallets each with two different colors. We’d take one layer off each pallet and manually rebuild it.” They probably dreamed about cans for many nights after they were done. The campaign was most likely not completed in the United States due to the labor-intensive process. We’d like to try some purple-colored Coke, but that’s too bad.

Labor-Intensive Process