Two Rescuers Save A Drowning Newborn Zebra, The Mom’s Reaction Goes Viral

Published on 04/14/2019

Two Rescuers Save A Drowning Newborn Zebra, The Mom’s Reaction Goes Viral

Can you imagine a newborn running away from their mother right after being born? Neither could the baby zebra’s mother or the zookeepers at Spain’s Valencia Bioparc. The turn of events would shock everyone, even the little guy himself!

Everyone knows that baby animals can be clumsy during their first few days in the world. But, compared to humans, baby animals are pretty skilled at getting up and walking, even within the first few hours of being born! While they may stumble and fall in the first couple of minutes, they can eventually get up and begin walking around. Many newborn animals are also born at quite a substantial weight. Zebras for example weigh about 10x as much as the average newborn baby!

A baby zebra in Spain’s Valencia Bioparc experienced the same thing as many other animals, and began walking and exploring right after being born. The zoo’s staff monitored the moment in case anything went array. A camera crew was even in attendance, filming the entire event. Who doesn’t love baby animal pictures, right? The Bioparc hoped to get some good shots for their social media page, the line would be out the door to see the baby zebra!

However, what happened next took everyone by surprise. It was a good thing the Bioparc’s staff were all in attendance for the birth because what happened mere minutes after was something not everyone witnesses in life. Can you believe the baby zebra’s actions surprised the other safari animals as well? We’re so glad this event was documented because we bet some people wouldn’t believe it really happened if we told them! We bet the Bioparc has many of the stunning photos on display. Not only are they amazing, but so is the story they tell!


The Park Near The River

The Valencia Bioparc is home to many different kinds of animals. The park can be found near a river named Túria, where a beautiful botanical garden now rests filled with various animal species. The zebras share the space with flamingos and rhinos, among others. One of the animals in the park, a zebra, was getting ready to deliver her baby.

The Park Near The River

The Park Near The River