Two Rescuers Save A Drowning Newborn Zebra, The Mom’s Reaction Goes Viral

Published on 04/14/2019

Thriving In The Bioparc

Bioparc Valencia wrote on their Facebook page that both the mother zebra and her baby are thriving at the enclosure together with the other zebras. Since the baby zebra is now around seven months, he is big enough to start learning how to swim. On the subject of swimming…

Thriving In The Bioparc

Thriving In The Bioparc


Mothers Keep Their Babies Safe

It does not matter what species they belong to, all moms want their babies to always be safe. We have one great example. Mother sea otters teach their baby pups how to swim on the first day they are in the world!

Mothers Keep Their Babies Safe

Mothers Keep Their Babies Safe