After Adopting Triplets, Couple Receive Astonishing News

Published on 11/27/2017

Helping Hand

When the Justice’s went back to work, many friends, family, and church members helped babysit. Furthermore, Sarah and Andy received tons of donations from total strangers all over the state. Things like bottles, diapers, clothes, and blankets were delivered to the house, day in day out. Especially considering the family went through over 300 diapers and 84 bottles in a week!

Helping Hand

Helping Hand



Goes without saying but when you’re a family of six, many changes need to be made! Not only did they change their schedules but they also bought a bigger van. In addition to all that, Sarah and Andy also had to develop a method to be able to tell the babies apart. So they painted the babies’ toenails with a different nail polish color in order to remember who was who. This was especially crucial when it came to feeding time!

C C C Changes

C C C Changes