All That Slithers: The Deadliest Snakes On Earth

Published on 08/13/2017

Peron’s Sea Snake

Here’s one to put you at ease, even if it means just until you finish reading this page. Although it is one of the deadliest sea snakes due to its high venom count, there is not a single recorded event of one of these attacking a human. Instead, they prefer to eat fish as they swim around the sea floor with their paddle-shaped tail.

Perons Sea Snake

Peron’s Sea Snake



Want to play possum? Despite being a super dangerous snake, the Rinkhals likes to play dead to avoid being attacked. Quite often it will roll over onto its back and leave its mouth hanging open. But don’t take your chances with this one, it specifically aims for the face of an attacker by spitting venom directly at it.

