All That Slithers: The Deadliest Snakes On Earth

Published on 08/13/2017

Samar Cobra

It’s not only the French who have a love for frogs, the Samar Cobra does too. Because their prey usually lives in rice paddies in southeast Asia, lots of interactions between these snakes and humans occur, with many of these instances not ending with a smile. In fact, their poison can permanently paralyze a person and all their nervous functions.

Samar Cobra

Samar Cobra


Red Spitting Cobra

Not only does it threaten humans, small birds and other reptiles, the Red Spitting Cobra incredibly enjoys the delicacy of other snakes. If that isn’t weird enough already, then let me add that while the more senior snakes like to come out at night, the youth prefer coming out during the day. This mismatched activity causes these snakes to sometimes eat each-other.

Red Spitting Cobra

Red Spitting Cobra