This Man Lives In An Unconventional Home In The Middle Of The Woods

Published on 09/17/2018

A Normal House

The retired engineer did not actually purchase a home when he was a younger man. He explained to the Daily Mail that the thought of paying a mortgage did not appeal to him in the financial sense. By the time that he had sufficient funds to secure himself a home, he had a different idea from most people. He said, “I had stopped thinking in provincial terms and I had thought like a free bird engineer.”


A Normal House

A Normal House



The Curious Are Welcome

Tourists and onlookers are free to drop by the place and enjoy a tour inside the airplane home. Bruce Campbell is more than glad to let them in. Guests can choose to make an appointment via the website if they happen to be in the area and interested to see how an aircraft home works.

The Curious Are Welcome

The Curious Are Welcome