Got A Headache
The beach can be an endless playground of fun and if you’re creative enough, you can create some awesome and imaginative shots. Well, these pranksters decided to go a step further and freak all their pals out by pretending to bury one head and hold the head of his friend. While this looks pretty creepy, we just hope he didn’t bury his head in the sand for too long before he came up for air.

Got A Headache
Splashing Around
We’re not quite sure if these guys get the concept of going to the beach. Usually, people go to the beach to take a dip in the ocean, which has plenty of space to splash around and play. Usually, people who don’t live by the ocean will have to just put a paddling pool in their back yard, and wait for the day that they can finally make it to the beach. So, we’re thinking that someone should tell these guys that they don’t actually have to take their tiny pool to the shore and all squash in together to enjoy the water. There’s a whole ocean waiting for them if they just took a second to look around!

Splashing Around