Ok we all have different priorities at the beach. Some people go to tan, some to drink and some just get a little confused after a few bottles of wine. This guy is definitely an advert for sunscreen. So remember kids, apply sunscreen before drinking a whole bottle of wine. Or else you’ll be falling asleep with it on your chest while you slowly fry in the midday sun! At least it made a legendary imprint on his chest and a photo that will be the joke of every family gathering for the rest of his life!

The Worst Combination
While we all want to get the picture-perfect Instagram photo at the beach, some people really take ‘doing it for the gram’ to the next level. While this girl looks super cute, relaxing in her swim suit by the water with her laptop, we can only hope that her laptop was already broken. As we’re no experts on technology, but we’re pretty sure laptops can’t survive in water, and she might have lost all her work. At least, we hope she saved a back-up of her files!

The Worst Combination