This Baby Elephant Had Been On The Brink Of Death When The Unexpected Happened

Published on 08/20/2019

The First Team

The first rescue team that arrived there said they were forest and wildlife officers. In order to help out this poor elephant, they needed to survey the scene. A few of the residents needed to move. The rescue team eventually reached the conclusion that they needed bigger equipment for the rescue. Mind you, it was not easy as you might have thought. The officers then went into town to ask for extra help.

The First Team

The First Team


The Waiting Game

The situation was unheard of in that part of the country. The backup needed to first organize in town before going to the forest. This calf needed to wait a little more. When nightfall came, the other locals decided it was better to stay in the tent with the elephants instead. If wild beasts like these animals could wait patiently for the results, they could probably do the same thing.

The Waiting Game

The Waiting Game