Check Out These Amazing Colorized Black-and-White Photos From The Past

Published on 10/25/2021

Men Of The 1st Infantry Division Leaving England For Normandy On D-Day

The Battle of Normandy was a difficult battle that lasted from June to August 1944. The parties fought for Western Europe, and the soldiers had a difficult time doing so. We doubt that the 156,000 troops from the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom had any idea that the battle would last nearly a month! It began on June 6, despite the fact that it was supposed to begin a day earlier. The operation had to be postponed due to bad weather. Dwight Eisenhower addressed the brave troops, saying, “You are about to embark upon the Great Crusade, toward which we have striven these many months. The eyes of the world are upon you.”

Men Of The 1st Infantry Division Leaving England For Normandy On D Day

Men Of The 1st Infantry Division Leaving England For Normandy On D Day


Crow Native Americans Observing The Rodeo At The Crow Fair

The first Crow Fair was held in 1904! Because it brings together all of the Great Plains Native American tribes, it’s essentially a huge family reunion for the Crow Nation. Hundreds of thousands of people attend the event! It takes place in the third week of August near Billings, Montana. It’s similar to a county fair, but it’s heavily influenced by Native American culture. The rodeo featured youth events as well as professional bull and horse riders on a daily basis. If you ever have the opportunity, you should go see it.

Crow Native Americans Observing The Rodeo At The Crow Fair

Crow Native Americans Observing The Rodeo At The Crow Fair