Check Out These Amazing Colorized Black-and-White Photos From The Past

Published on 10/25/2021

Drought Refugee From Missouri Waiting For Orange-Picking In California

Americans fled to the Pacific Coast in search of seasonal work after the Dust Bowl destroyed their homes. These hardworking Americans were mistook for intruders seeking to exploit the government. At the time, California was in need of crop workers, but the locals were not welcoming. Because this occurred during the Great Depression, everyone was down on their luck. Many immigrants were poor, but those who were fortunate enough to find low-paying jobs picking vegetables and fruits were fortunate.

Drought Refugee From Missouri Waiting For Orange Picking In California

Drought Refugee From Missouri Waiting For Orange Picking In California


Dutch Resistance Fighters On The Streets Of Breda After Its Liberation

The world was stunned when Germany invaded Europe to begin World War II. The Nazis moved much more quickly and brutally than anyone had anticipated. Resistance fighters from all over the continent came together to aid in the liberation of their homelands. Allies got counterintelligence, communications, and domestic sabotage from the Dutch resistance. In 1944, the south was freed. It took an extra eight months to liberate the north.

Dutch Resistance Fighters On The Streets Of Breda After Its Liberation

Dutch Resistance Fighters On The Streets Of Breda After Its Liberation