Jack in the Box
Founded in February 1951, this American fast-food restaurant chain was created by Robert O. Peterson in San Diego, California. Nowadays, the chain has 2,200 locations, mainly on the West Coast if the United States. Outside the West Coast, you can find some of their branches in urban areas like Phoenix, Denver, Albuquerque, El Paso, Nashville, Houston, and more. The restaurants serve a variety of chicken tenders and french fries along with hamburger and cheeseburger sandwiches and selections of internationally-themed foods like tacos and egg rolls.

Jack in the Box
Did you know that Denny’s was originally called “Danny’s Donuts”? It opened up as a coffee shop in 1953 in Lakewood, California. Nowadays, Denny’s is known for always being open and serving breakfast, lunch, and dinner at all times. In fact, Denny’s doesn’t close on holidays or nights, only when it’s required by law. A lot of the restaurants are located close to freeway exits, bars, and service areas. In 1963, Denny’s started franchising, and now most Denny’s restaurants are franchise-owned.
