Waffle House
Nowadays, Waffle House has 2,100 locations in 25 states in the United States. Most of the locations are in the South, where it has become a regional cultural icon. It was founded in 1955 and has since gained a serious amount of fame, even making appearances in movies and songs. Many people talk about how prominent their branches are since they are located near Interstate highways in the South.

Waffle House
International House of Pancakes(IHOP)
International House of Pancakes, better known as IHOP, was founded in 1958 in Toluca Lake, California, and has since expanded to having over 1,800 locations worldwide. The restaurant chain specializes in breakfast foods while also offering lunch and dinner dishes. While a lot of the branches are open 24/7, the ones that aren’t are open at a minimum from 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.