When A Google Street View Car Ruins Your Top Secret Mission
You do not have to be a genius to figure out that something serious is underway when this photo was taken. The five guys look like they are going on a secret mission. It was just their bad luck that Google was there with cameras. They do not look all that happy about it either. They were both armed and in uniforms. If we were the ones driving the vehicle, we would have simply left and let them be. We really would rather not get into a fight with them!

When A Google Street View Car Ruins Your Top Secret Mission
Let The Moose Take His Morning Jog
Rudolph wanted to go on a morning run in Norway. This epic moment had been caught on tape at just the right time. We are starting to think that the Google Street View car was programmed to have perfect timing! It caught the movement of the moose perfectly. It looks like it was chasing after freedom! Or maybe it was trying to run away from someone or something. Nonetheless, it was certainly going places.

Let The Moose Take His Morning Jog