We Wonder If This Was The Set Of An Action Flick
All in all, this is not exactly an ideal situation. We are not going to pretend like we know what really took place. Did they have an accident? Were they just taking a breather as they waited for their pal to park his bike properly? Some people will say that this looks like something out of an action film. Perhaps this was a real cop who made the house call and discovered this. Hopefully, they got the bad guys in the end.

We Wonder If This Was The Set Of An Action Flick
There Was A Naked Man In The Trunk Beside An Indifferent Dog
Yet again, we can’t tell you what exactly went on here. Even so, we can already tell that it was not entirely legal. Shall we begin with the guy in the trunk? If he were naked on the pavement, we would have assumed that he just had a wild night. What was he doing in the trunk anyway? Perhaps the most disturbing part is that his dog does not seem to care about the situation all that much. We wonder if he knew that his owner would be all right or was already aware that it was nothing more than a prank.

There Was A Naked Man In The Trunk Beside An Indifferent Dog