A Dream
“I had rented this cabin for a Thanksgiving getaway,” she told to CBS News. “And driving there, we passed this house that had been ravaged by a tornado. It was this beautiful dream house and it was sort of wide open. You don’t often get the opportunity to see the interior workings of a house, but looking at these 2x4s and these nails, it just looked so simple. I thought, ‘I could put this wall back up if I really tried. Maybe I should just start from scratch.’”

A Dream
From Scratch
From scratch, Cara Brookins made an impressive decision. Building your own home is no easy feat, especially when you know nothing about building a home! “It felt like, ‘If anyone was in our situation, this is what they would do,’ ” Brookins said. “It didn’t look like this to anyone else and in retrospect I know it sounds insane.”

From Scratch